All it took was staying together and only engaging in fights if it’s a threat.

As a new player and solo queuing, Just become champion and I have to say, I got the best type of team mates to get champion.

This was basically it:

  • Didn't jump in a hot zone with 10 other squads and dying in the first minute.

  • No gun fight was solo, every fight was a 3v3 which was just so refreshing as most times, there's that one dude who just runs off alone and tries to kill 3 people and dies and leaves.

  • Engaged in fights only if it blocked our path or was blocking where we went. A lot of people just run into distant crossfire seeing one person and gets killed because they have no idea where all 3 people are.

  • Getting to high ground before the ring closed. I can see why a lot of people are always perched on top of something in the map in end game.

I guess a lot of people don't want to become champion, but instead they seem to be going for number of kills most of the time.

P. S : Special thanks to the caustic main whose traps blinded his team mates at the end. I didn't know you can shoot the gas trap to turn it on.


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