Change of voice lines for lifeline

Just noticed in the firing range, lifeline has a new voice line for her health drone. “Patch me up D.O.C”
Could the specification of D.O.C be a hint (unintentional or intentional) toward the rumors of a lifeline buff with her having another ult that heals too?

Also, voice lines for her ultimate has changed (I doubt this has significance or room to speculate but I’d thought I’d include them). These include:

“Is it mah birthday already?”

“Here’s my birthday present” (doubt it but..Maybe in reference of apex’s anniversary? )

“Calling in a lifeline package. Gotta treat myself”

“Calling in a lifeline package. Gotta treat yo self”

Thought I’d bring these small details to light. Feel free to speculate. Or just call me dumb because these changes have no significance? Idk


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