Dissapointed about Rank Split

I have to say, I am not very happy about the split ranks with the upcomming introduction of Kings Canyon.

I dont have much time as I am a working dad, but when I do, I like to grind some comp. Now having grinded up to Plat1, just inches away from Diamond, I am going to get shot down to Gold 4 again?

Seriously, Im pissed. It makes absolutely no sense to me, and this punishes the solo queue grinders the most in my opinion. Why the hell would they do this? Just to mix up the map? I like KC, no questions asked, but I dont feel rewarded at all now this season. I literaly lost the desire to play.

Now everyone is going to flame I am sure and tell me that the grind back up to Diamond is easy. Well it wasnt for me. I had very close games, won some great 1% chance to win games and all the work is just shot into the dirt…

I find it very unappealing and I dont really feel like grinding up again. Seems like a big mistake in my opinion.

Season 4 is over for me, back to circle jerking in casual I guess…

Am I alone on this?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/fm44qa/dissapointed_about_rank_split/

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