Formula for Ranked / Skill based point system

Of course there are many ways how to make a skillbased rank system which is considering all factors of players playstyle. But I think something like this would be pretty accurate:

K = Kill

t = Time (In seconds) / 5 min

P= Placement ( Placement 20-15 = -3 Points / 15-10 = -2 Points, 10-5 = -1 Point, 5-2 = 1 Point, 1 = 5 Points)

DMG = Dmg (500/1000/1500/2000… = 1,2,3,4 Points) cap at 2000 dmg since it would be possible to grind dmg with a longbow or any other sniper.

[((K x 0.5 ⇔ t > 300) + (K x 1 ⇔ t < 300)) + P + DMG] Points

Example: Killed 3 players in first 3 minutes, killed 3 more through the game, was eliminated at place 8, got 1200 dmg in.

1.5 Points -> 2 Points + 3 Points - 1 Point + 2 Points = 8 Points

So the best games could be rewarded with about:

2 Points + 10 Points + 5 Points + 6 Points = 23 Points

And there are probably cases where it could be even more.

And the worst games could be rewarded with about:

0 Points + 0 Points - 3 Points + 0 Points = - 3 Points

So as you have a very good game you will rank up pretty fast at the beginning but will slow down in the later ranks which should be obvious and is shown below.

Now there are of course ranks:

Bronze – Silver: Needs 30 Points to advance

Silver – Gold: 60 Points

Gold – Plat: 100 Points

Plat – Diamond: 160 Points

Diamond – Apex-Predator: 250 Points

If a player reaches the points needed he advances. However this is an important factor!

If you get through 10 games an average point count which is below 10 % of the points needed to advance you get kicked down. This gets calculated each 10 games. And of course should be shown to the player all time.

Bronze: 3 Points in 10 games

Silver: 6 Points

Gold: 10 Points

Plat: 16 Points

Diamond: 25 Points

Apex-Predator: 25 Points or more? -> Leaderbord best players in the world?

This means a player needs to consistently as possible play good games after game. Which should reduce the hotdrop factor even more because consitency is the enemy of RNG. And it makes it even harder to stay in the top ranks. This makes the ranking system not just a grinding when eventually everyone will be at the best rank.

Example 1:

Curently in gold with 70 points: Game 1 – 10: 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 – 2 – 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 – 1 = 8 Points

Points needed: 10

Result: player drops to Silver

Full Example:

Player has a passive playstyle and doesnt make many kills through the game. He is currently in gold with 50 points and is looking for the advancement to plat which he needs 100 points for.

Game 1: Player gets 1 Kill in the first 5 Minutes, gets 1 more through the game, wins the game and makes 400 damage.

0.5 Points -> 1 Point + 1 Points + 5 Points + 0 Points = 7 Points

Game 2: 1 Point

Game 3: 1 Point

Game 4: 2 Points

Game 5: – 1 Point

Game 6: 2 Points

Game 7: 1 Point

Game 8: 1 Point

Game 9: – 3 Points

Game 10: – 1 Points

Result: 10 Points

Player managed barely to stay in gold and could get 10 points through 10 games. He is now at 60 Points. If he keeps this tempo he can reach plat. 

However if he wishes to get to diamond he needs to get better since in plat its required to have an average point count of 16.

With this players which cannot consistently reproduce good games will not be able to come to the top rankes.


Im not very good when it comes down to creating stuff like that. And i dont really now if I used the correct symbols for certain expressions. But I had some time to think about it and this is what came around.

I also tried to consider placemant, kills and damage equally. Only thing Im not certain at is if the team should get rewarded together or each player individually since the are also random players involved which one doesnt now. And its kinda unfair when one pops of and the rest cant carry their own weights. However its still a teambased BR. So Im really not sure about that.

What do you guys think. Is this something which is possible and fair for everyone. Competitve player as casuals?

Or should certain numbers be changed to icentivize certain playstyles more or less?


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