Interesting ideas for Rev passive buff.

As someone who was pretty hyped, and still am, about Revenant. It feels like his passive doesn't quite give you what the dev team was aiming for.

I feel like with the one legendary frame they posted and the whole climbing feature that they were going for this pseudo arachnid style killer.

Two interesting buffs that could achieve this "feel" could be

  1. At the top of Revs climb animation allow him to hold on to the structure for X amount of seconds without falling for arachnid style ambush.

  2. The ability to sprint in crouch walk. Silent, get on all fours and run. Imagine like the ring or the grudge but not upside down. Also when crouch sprinting he cannot shoot or heal just like sprinting while upright. Key here is the silence.

Thanks. Tear me down or build it up – doesn't matter as these are shower thoughts.


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