M&K vs Controller. Let’s discuss.

So I’ve played on console for practically my whole life. Play a pc game here and there but I won’t even be using that for reference.

With crossplay being added the debate between M&K and controller has come right back up. I have a few friends who are pc bois and we’ve had this conversation a few times but I want to see what other people think.

In my friends and my opinions the controller and m&k debate needs to be focused on the pros of each and the fact that there are pros of each. The fact that in any competitive scene that there are advantages to using one form of input over the other is really ridiculous. This being said not too much can happen for it right now.

Controller has this ~13-18 meter range where the aim assist is much stronger than normal. If it didn’t have that then there really would be no debate imo. Close range it’s Garbo and will mess you up half the time and long range it doesn’t trigger nearly as hard so it doesn’t matter as much.

M&K (from my limited experience) has a better ability of control at any distance, with faster more accurate smaller and larger flicks. I won’t go into detail on this because like I said not too much experience but from what I’ve done and my pc friends have said this seems to be the case.

Do y’all think that one is just outright better than the other? Or do y’all think they’re more equal?

P.S. let me know if my M&K stuff is right I could just be wrong ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/hbqxkw/mk_vs_controller_lets_discuss/

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