Ranking up is weird… Bronze 1 has better players than Silver 4/3?

Bear with me I swear I'm not bitching or pulling this out of my ass

I swear to god the squaddies I've been getting matched with in low silver are, on average worse at the game than the ones I was getting matched with in high bronze. I'm thinking this is because you can't drop lower than your current rank in bronze so all the actually bad players pool at silver 4. I'm getting so many squadmates who just run in every direction, dont ping anything, dont communicate, miss the majority of their shots, make weird engages… meanwhile, I didn't have any sort of problem like this while I was ranking through bronze. Had good games, roughly 7-10% winrate, good teamplay… now all of a sudden that seems to have vanished and I find myself getting frustrated as hell with the players I'm getting matched with.

Is there any explanation for this, is it bad luck, or what's happening here? Anyone else experience the same?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/f3i3eu/ranking_up_is_weird_bronze_1_has_better_players/

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