Thank you Apex Legends

I absolutely love this game. I have had no experience in FPS besides Overwatch prior. It has been one of the most exhilarating gaming experiences I've ever had the honor of enjoying for such an extended period of time. Many players have stuck around because of the amazing formula Respawn has managed to create.

Apex for the past year has been a game that I could get on, queue for a match; and find one within seconds. It's sad to say, that for the past two weeks this has not been the case on PC. I know the game isn't dead on all platforms (maybe everybody is just switching to Warzone now), but the player base is taking some fatal blows following Season 4.

This isn't a goodbye/ I'm quitting post. I just want to say that I've had an enormous amount of fun with this game. It's a shame that the devs don't seem to care about furthering it's lifespan. I want to be angry about the slow and painful trajectory this game has had in the last six months. But honestly, I'm not even angry. The best way to describe how I feel when I think about what Apex was/is/could have been; is sadness. I feel sad. I feel really, fucking sad when I think about how much they dropped the ball on this one.

Part of me wants to believe that the next season can fix things. I will always come back and give it another try if they continue to update the game. But until they make some major changes I have to look at Apex for what it is to me: A really good memory. Of a game that was once like none other.



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