What do you think about Wraith’s ultimate technique ?

Hello, i wanted to see what you people think of this Wraith ultimate technique 🙂

I'm talking about the "hey let me turn in circles and hold my ult as long as I want, to steal time because i'm affraid of doing something" technique. I don't think it can be considered an exploit, because it's part of this ultimate design. But to be honest I think it's bad.

Okay it was interesting to see that at the first big tourneys and stuff because it was new. But now that everybody uses it, it just looks bad. There's no skill, tactical knowledge or anything involved in doing that. It's just a safe exit that will actually win a good amount of game.
Like for example I just watched the last "NRG Aceu" video and at the end of the video what do we have ? Two teams on top of each other, scared to take a decision and make a move. So what do they do ? BIG BRAIN TIME LETS TURN IN CIRCLES WEEEEE. Just in order to win time and praise that the opponent team dies from the circle before you. The worse thing is that even when they took a decision and tried to make a move, they fail, lose two members of their team and still win the game because of this technique (and because the oponents life was a bit downed because of the failed move).

It won't make you win every games for sure. But there are things in this ultimate that should be reviewed, like there should be a limit for people holding the ultimate in place. Or maybe don't have the movement of wraith in the ultimate, and teleport straight from Enter to Exit (depending of the distance between the portals). Okay she's not doing anything in the meantime, but an ultimate should not work like that in my opinion. An ultimate should be a tactical decision for a very specific moment and not be used like "oh no wait, not the good moment, i failed, let me wait".
This isn't something I consider overpowered. It's just bad to watch.

So yeah I just wanted to see what is people opinion on that : how do you guys feel when you are spectating a proplayer match, there are the last 5 teams in a tiny circle; doing this technique ?

cough*the fact that her ult charge reloads while the portal is still up is bullshit though*cough**

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/enfijy/what_do_you_think_about_wraiths_ultimate_technique/

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