Your thoughts on Revenant?

Is he good? Does he need a buff?

Personal opinion I think he needs a slight buff, I've been playing him quite a bit (with my friends asking: "…why?") and i think his kit is kind of lackluster. His ult is at best questionable, with people like shroud saying it's useless. I get you're supposed to use it to push aggressively and use the totem as a free "get out of jail free card" but usually I find myself playing like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs since I'm effectively at half health the whole time.

His tactical i think could easily be buffed to make him a stronger pick: AOE can be wider (doubled?), OR it could last twice as long to block doorways etc (long enough to quickly down a person, so 5 seconds or so), OR the damage could be doubled to 22 to make it useful as a last ditch projectile once your ammo runs out.



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