Artillery does the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do.

Artillery is supposedly in the game to prevent camping, in my opinion it does the exact opposite. If players see multiple artillery in a match they tend to play a lot safer and stay in cover a lot more (based in personal experience) because if you try to do anything you start getting clicked a fat chunk of your health every 30ish seconds and the longer you contest a position without cover the longer it lasts.

It's not fun losing half your HP to some wanker on the opposite side of the map in the first 2-3 minutes of the game simply because you're trying to pressure a flank and progress the match.

Artillery is the lowest risk/skilp highest reward gameplay I have seen in almost any game I've played. It's literally sitting in hiding and hitting people for 400-800 irrelevant of whether they have armour or not, it's a pointless class that serves no purpose and I think it's about time to remove it.


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