Combating the camp-meta.

Recently I've been getting MM of 3 Arty players and like half a dozen TDs and the game play really devolves into "whoever goes first, dies." Arty and TDs cajole others to try to spot only for the would-be spotters to explode without even lighting the goons that killed them.

The game mechanics seem to promote defensive play and camping. Arty players can sit back and snipe pretty much any tank with great accuracy, splash, rate of fire, and safety. TDs can sit invisible or hull down and wreck tanks before even being spotted.

This puts tanks that try to advance at a pretty frustrating disadvantage and slows down game play.

Stronghold's Artillery Strike Reserve seems effective for shifting tanks out of dug-in positions. Where arty encourages players to AFK behind a wall, this lights a fire under campers to get out of their foxhole.

A Call of Duty UAV feature, which temporarily spots enemies on the mini-map, would help balance the fight against invisible, hull-down, camping TDs. When you've got no light tanks and there's still 3 arty and 6 TDs somewhere in the forest, the UAV can give you a much-needed boost for pressing the final attack.

Perhaps if everyone entered a match with a UAV or Artillery Strike, lulls in combat would pick up quicker. Matches could maintain a livelier tempo while preserving the tension of the last tanks squaring off.

TLDR: When your MM is 3 arty, you fall asleep arty-safe. When there's a half dozen camouflaged TDs, you can't really push. Artillery Strike Reserve and a UAV feature would help keep matches from stagnating.


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