Frontlines: Defending team at a disadvantage?

I think the defending team in Frontlines are at a disadvantage. Currently, the attacking team gets hull down positions, walls of cover on the capture point, further back spawns so they reach the point later…..

I understand that its possible to win on defense; im not saying that it isn't. But purely from a strategical standpoint, on many of hte maps, rushing up in a heavium or LT to cap the base on 30 seconds while remaining behind impenetrable cover seems a little broken.

And when the attackers have taken on the normal zones, its really really easy to take 3 out of 6 points for same reasons again.

I think either the map needs to be changed (but that wouldnt be possible for stage 1; would need to be a stage 2 or 3 event), or the attackers need to kill more than just 3. Maybe 4 or 5 needed. This would prevent the effectiveness of the current blitzkrieg strats.

Just my opinion. Feel free to disagree and discuss! Other than that, Frontline has been a blast and fresh experience from random battles! (Also getting rich in creds for the upcoming Leopard 1 on track)


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