I came back from a 3-month break

What I found disappointed me but sure enough, did not surprise me.

  • the game is still bugged: hitboxes around rubbles are still shit, the fucking "Create Dog Tag" thing is still in the garage (it's been what, like over 6 months? still not fixed), my game still doesn't want to open-up fullscreen, the usual things.
  • wtf is up with the sound???? good job WG, the game sound disappearing/being really irritating after being hit by arta was the best thing you could've added. Don't they play the game?? I guess they don't, it's one of the most annoying shits ever.
  • EBRs are still here. Arta too (I got 3rd moe on mine because I stopped playing since the revamp lol).
  • The matchmaking is still broken. I'm tired of 4-minute battles.

These problems have been around the game for months, if not years. This list is far from exhaustive, but I sure am exhausted. Players and CCs have warned WG again and again and the game is still not fixed. And then, some of the CCs will say "if you don't like the way the game is managed, stop spending money on it", and the same CCs will buy the fucking Premium Pass and encourage their viewers to buy the next premium tank, even though they'll repeat again and again that it is shit. I'm tired of the hypocrisy around this game.

WG, get your shit together if you don't want the game to die faster than it already is. Stop gloating yourself around your "150 million account created" when in reality less than 200k people play your game on a regular basis.
And for the players, don't spend an absurd amount on money on the fucking lootboxes this year, they don't deserve your money. I sure am not giving them any more penny.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/r6t4pc/i_came_back_from_a_3month_break/

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