Not all Skill-Based Match-Makers look to equalize skill levels

Just because someone suggests a SBMM system for WoT, doesn't mean they want the CS:GO style where all 30 players in a game are the same level. You can use 'skill' to simply swap players between two teams until both are "balanced", while keeping the random player aspect.
I make this post because any time I see someone bring up the possibility of SBMM in WoT, which has both pros and cons to be discussed; literally every time without fail there is a reply about how there will be no incentive to improve when "every single team will have 15 unicums".

Feel free to discuss the pros and cons of a team skill balancer in the comments; like what you use for "skill" in the first place, and whether players will be okay with all winrates being pushed to 50%. I just want the community to move past the 5v5 competitive SBMM style, so legitimate discussion can happen.
Yes, this post is 100% salt.


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