RNG is listening

Let me just say that this is NOT a rant, just a tidbit that I bet all of you had experienced before as well on the occasional games here and there. So with that out of the way, I want to hear your most "No Sh*t" moment with RNG in terms of sniping/hitting shots that were "unlikely" to hit but hit anyway and the most likely to hit but missed anyways.

for example, a heavy tank from 400m+ away in hardcover but had its tiny cupola open (basically a pixel shot) and decided to take the shot saying, "No way this is gonna hit."

*takes shot* * hit*

"How defuq did that hit? but nice I'll take it."

A different example, there's a tank in the open about 100m; you wait, aimed fully, took the shot, thinking, "Yeah, this is gonna be another kill"

*shell miraculously swerved in a way that it went in between the tracks*

"Why defuq did that not hit?"

Only the most memorable moments that you recall, I just wanted to hear some fun or F moments 🙂

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/urctz1/rng_is_listening/

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