The aiming system in World of Tanks sucks!

Specifically i am refering to the way how the game automatically calculates the elevation when firing slow travelling HE shells for example.

If you need to shoot targets that are close to you with your M4, no problem, if you need to shoot targets that are far away, it takes a bit more plus possibly some RNG but if you are shooting at targets that are far away AND MOVING you have no chance to hit them!

Because of two things:

1) if you pre-aim at the spot you predict they will be when the shell reaches their position, the aiming system will mess things up and will not calculate the elevation based on the position where the tank will be rather on the background your aiming reticle is pointed at and you will massively overshoot the target

2) if you aim at the target, the target will "run away" in most cases if it isn't a TOG or a churchill because your shell is slow and it will not reach the target at time.

I hope i explained well what i mean.


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