12.11 Complete Item Guide for both Hideout & Tasks

Good Evening All,

With this new wipe I wanted a one stop shop for all the items I needed to keep for both Hideout and Tasks. Scouring the subreddit and Google, I came across a million images of items needed to retain for Kappa, for Tasks, for Hideout as well as multiple excel files.

In my frustration of having a million documents, I decided to create my own: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hOcYnC-u1VWAL0tf34Y1ACJlaxC6Fj3RdMXM2Lr9VsU/edit?usp=sharing

Instructions are on the first tab and if you don't read them then it won't work as intended.

BLUF/TLDR: I created an all encompassing item guide/tracker for both hideout and tasks. Enjoy.

**Disclaimer: Hideout Items are 100% accurate; Task Items are as they come up and would say its at a 80% solution. For a new player, this is still advantageous as you will get a lot of stuff that you can just outright sell.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/of8jme/1211_complete_item_guide_for_both_hideout_tasks/

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