40,000₽ M4A1 GUIDE 2/12/2021

ooo ouchy wouchy pricey bitey

hello usucks, i give you this guide free of charge, on how you can get an m4a1 20% cheaper than the flea market base prices.

things you'll need.

  • An ADAR

disassemble this

  • M4A1 lower receiver

attach adar parts to this

steps to follow

  1. disassemble the adar completely, keep the parts on hand
  2. put all the adar parts that you recently disassembled onto the m4a1 lower receiver
  3. ???
  4. profit by a price difference of 20% (roughly)

you can get an m4a1 lower receiver for cheaper, if you have mechanic level 2

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/lipw0d/40000_m4a1_guide_2122021/

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