carry guide for ranked

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

ima giff u sam awesome things that can help u get ezz mmr ranked

  1. dont die the main reason why most people are bad at this role is because they keep dying just stop dying and u will get better alot

  2. farm do i need to explain?

3.having at least 1 support in ur team is really going to be better since ur the baby hes the babysitter u should considering picking carry espectally if u have support in ur team also dont flame ur support insteat try talking nice u might do things worse wih flaming and if u need wards tell to ur support that u need wards if za babysitter dont buy wards buy one for ur self it auctally just cost 65 gold

4.avoid getting ganked and harrased usuallly sometimes u might see 2 on offlane or 1 ganker thats just going after u u need to git gud for this well thats all i can say u really need to get good if u wanna avoid these things and it really depens on ur hero and their enemy hero


PUSH THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE ok consider pushing when u can it gives space and gold and thats how u win teh game by pushing if u dont push than how u will win ur ez mmr????

6.dont pick carry if u have carry in ur team well it obious only pick if u really know what ur doing otherise ur putting ur self on high risk

7.late game if u reached this shit then this is a time to stop farming and this is a time to start going together this is a time that u should have bkb and this is a time THAT U MUST NOT DIE OR CONSIDER SAVING GOLD ON BUYBACK ESPECTALLY ON LATE GAME seriosly the whole team now is on u they really depens on u they cant win without u so dont fuck this up if u can

8.picking first pick carry ur putting ur self into very high risk u should avoid this (uneless u know how to play the carry and u can deal with scrubs )

9.if ur willing to play hard carry such as anti mage spectre sniper u should also consider that u need to reach late game and u must be sure that ur team is good

10.if u wanna do a big push consider killing roshan and get his aegis



  1. this is the final thing im going to tell u playing as carry its going to be the hardest role to win because its all about the luck of getting good team mates and getting dumb enemys.


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