Killed Sthurman 25 times in two days .. here’s how

Found out how to cheese him easily. You walk across the bridge from big red and stop at the concrete barrier on the right on the opposite end of the bridge. Here, you’re like 20-25 feet away from where he sits with his guards by the rock. You have two choices. You can peak out from the left of the cover where they will see you, fire, and begin to move. Alternatively you can chuck a smoke grenade over the barrier and land it on his position at which time he will rotate.

When he rotates he usually walks straight up the bridge, passing you directly on the left, giving you plenty of time to shoot him in the side or the back before he gets cover at which time he will peak you and fire at you, where he can also be easily killed.

There were a few times where instead of walking up the bridge he ran through the opening in the concrete wall towards ruaf roadblock and if he does this you can just jump over the bridge railing and shoot him in the back.

Anyway, figured I’d share for anyone who wanted to try


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