Movement and general thinking


I have been playing EFT for quite some time now. Lvl 21 at the moment, just started again some months ago. I feel like i have the general hang of it but still i find myself getting one tapped or shot in the middle of nowhere. I just got killed from behind while walking in the middle of the forest on Shoreline, didnt hear any steps or rustling and I really didnt think anyone would be camping here.

So how do i go about walking around on maps? When do i sneak and when do i run? I usually play customs, reserve and shoreline. Sometimes Woods. I feel like i get killed in the most random places and I have no idea where it comes from… maybe i just suck.

I was just wondering how you pro's out there walk around the map. What should i be thinking of, and how i should move around.

My apologies if this is the wrong place to put this.


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