New players since twitch event in december 2019 this is what to do

If you are just starting out then this game is gonna be hard and confusing. But it will get better and by the time the next wipe happens you‘ll know the ins and outs and it will be better. So I listed some things to counter some complains.

If your queue times get longer than 10 minutes back out and try again (maybe other map or try to scav)

If you are low on money try to scav on interchange or reserve. Be a rat loot shit and get out. Take your time be slow and quiet if you aren’t confident yet.

Level your traders, so have cheaper and reliable access to ammo and attachments. This means questing and selling stuff to them instead of selling it to the flea market.

Upgrade your hideout. I think the most import one to get first is the medic thing for better passive healing and crafting. Work bench is also good. Actually everything is worth it. Make your pick.

Some people will better than you and kill you and some will be worse than you and still kill you. They could have better ammo or worse ammo. Yes, ammo is big factor but so is play style and patience. Don’t pick a fight you can’t win and then complain. It’s not fair all the time.

Just play the game. If you lose, you lose. But then sometime you‘ll win some. Learn from your mistakes. And enjoy this unique game.

Maybe we can have some collection of beginner tips to calm things down


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