Quick Tip for Newbies – Pick a Caliber

I'm not an official Sherpa but between my ARMA 3 unit and other friend groups have brought over 40 people through EFT. Time and time again I find them having issues with inventory space because they don't know what to sell.

FIND A CALIBER AND STICK TO IT – Sell everything else

Can't go wrong with 5.45 and you can switch whenever you want but don't stack a bunch of guns just to look at them. Trust me the clarity you get from having the extra room and cash to do what you want is worth it.


Plus with the flea market it doesn't matter, as long as you're at least lvl 5 you can get it back 🙂

**Extra advice – if you are playing with your friends on a discord and not using the stream function you're doing it wrong INSANELY USEFUL if you're the Sherpa.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ele5bg/quick_tip_for_newbies_pick_a_caliber/

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