Apex coming to Steam! Also: cross-progression?

source: see replies by respawn devs to this https://twitter.com/PLT_cheater/status/1189201352125304832

so my question now is: cross progression wen? I want to use my skins i bought on Xbox when I'm playing on steam. Right now if I change the platform to play with friends I'm a total default, no skins, no unlocked legends, no 4k badges, level 2, pretty friggin sad, makes me not want to play the game on pc or ps4, both of which I own. Rumor has it there's already a tech-agnostic user progression service in place called nucleus, which basically keeps track of your badges, skins, unlocks, etc, and doesn't actually really know or care whether you're on PC, Xbox, or PS4. So… it looks like low hanging fruit to some extent at least. /u/dko5 Hello, friend!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/dos513/apex_coming_to_steam_also_crossprogression/

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