Sherpa Saturday – New player questions and LFG. Team up with your fellow redditor!

This weekend we are trying something new on the sub.

Use this thread to LFG and ask any and all new player questions.

Do you know the game like the back of your hand? Feel free to help people out in the comments by answering any new player questions or offering to help them out in game. LFG is approved *in this thread only* posts on the rest of the sub will be removed.

Are you new and need some help? Post any questions in here and we hope that the community will get back to you as soon as they can.

This is an experiment, and if successful will see more daily style posts in the future promoting different kinds of content.

We have also teamed up with the Sherpa Discord to provide players both new and old with some support. They are aware of this thread and will be in and out of it to help everyone who wants some assistance. What are Sherpas you ask?

Are you new to Tarkov? Need help doing your quests? Your bullets aren’t doing anything?

Well, look no FURTHER! The Sherpa program was originally created to assist both new players and experienced alike to get a better grasp of the game, to enjoy themselves and possibly to make new FRIENDS, endless opportunities!

What we offer? We are a team of highly experienced Tarkov players who have been battling in this game for far too long, and enjoy teaching others how to improve and get a better understanding of how the game works. The program first started in 2018, with a couple of volunteers ready to help and have since then grown to ridiculous numbers.

Right now, our team has more than 100 Sherpas, all with their own playstyle and skill set who will willingly assist you in your new or continuous adventures through the dangers of Tarkov for no price at all, yes its completely FREE.

Look no more and join the Sherpa HUB partnered discord server, with over 20k members and with its own team of sherpas, moderators and helpers ready to help you! Who knows, you might even in time become a Sherpa, Moderator, or Helper yourself and give it back to the community! More information about how to join the Sherpa Program can be found in the discord server link down below, join NOW!


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