Something mysterious is emerging out of the enterverse ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ’ซ

I open my eyes and look around – itโ€™s been dark for so long that my eyes can barely adjust to the light. The world is unfamiliar, and Iโ€™m hounded by the feeling that somethingโ€™s off… somethingโ€™s missingโ€ฆ
Immerse yourself in the creative storytelling while the Strays embark on their journey of self discovery.
We're excited to introduce you guys to the Strays, the EnterNFT Labs Genesis collection.

Unleash a Stray this Friday, 04/28
Only 100 Strays will be roaming the wild
Mint price: 3 $AVAX or 20% off with $NFTART

Why should you adopt a Stray? Besides the meta experience, here are some of the utilities

Whitelist to all future EnterNFT Labs collections
Gated Discord channel (perks?)
Exclusive access, discounts and perks for upcoming events
Holder-only experiences

Join us as we release the Strays
Link ~

enter Reddit ~
enter Ecosystem ~

Join enter, join the revolution!!!… โค๏ธ


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