Space travel tips shoutout for newbies

There are 2 methods to fuel scoop, passive and aggressive.

– Aggressive is when you circle star at minimum distance. This way you will heat up fast but it will allow you to get enough fuel (considering actual scoop isn't too small for your fuel tank) for the next jump and usually get a little extra. It's not always optimal to make jumps on full tank, especially if you chain them. You don't need orbit lines to judge distance, you can easily see how danger close you are depending on star icon color (it gets darker when you get closer) and max capacity of scooping. Just keep it on the nose and you won't fall.

– Passive is when you park the ship near star and it just scoops for you. Many people actually aren't aware that you can actually do that, which is hilarious. So again, you don't have to actually fly around star to scoop it. Just find good distance, where you heat up slowly, leave it there and go do some stuff or you can fire up FSS and scan system while it's going.

– KGBFOAM = scoopable stars. Loading screen tells this to you, but still worth noting.

– Do not afraid to jet cone boost at White Dwarfs. Even if you fall couple of times and die, you will still learn how to get out of the jet. Plus there are only a couple of these stars with very small exclusion zone, so most W.Dwarfs and mostly harmless. If you have jump range of ~40, it's absolutely worth it, also it's fun and looks pretty awesome.

– Jackson's Lighthouse – remember that name, write it down somewhere if you have to. It's your quickest and sexiest catapult right out of Bubble. Always keep it in mind.

If anyone has anything to add, please do.


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