A couple of looting tips and unlisted keybinds

So one of the most important things in this game is being able to loot fast, and after seeing a few streamers play I was wondering how they did certain things. I was unable to find any guides or anything that provided solid answers so i just experimented until I figured a few things out.

  • Folding a stock: On the weapon you are holding, alt-L folds a stock in game. However if you are just moving an item around in menus, middle mouse clicking on it folds the stock.

  • Double clicking quickly on an item that has interior space opens it.

  • Middle mouse clicking on an unexamined item examines it.

  • This has nothing to do with looting but you can put a visor up and down with N, it is the same binding as NVG's.

Those are the ones I know. If you know of some of the other menu hotkeys, specifically ones to quickly inspect an item, please let me know.


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