A Defense for the Enhanced AX Weapons

An observation: most Interceptors that spawn at starport and settlement AXCZs are Cyclopses, with the occasional Basilisk. This means, there's less of a need for higher armour piercing value weapons such as the Gauss Cannon. I paired three large gimbals with a medium thermal vent beam and I stay cool and do reliable exertion and heart damage. It's annoying to scan the Interceptors every time, but I destroyed 56 Interceptors with just three large gimbals. 52 Cyclopses, 4 Basilisks. Those kills were achieved just last weekend, and didn't take several days.

The only thing stopping these Enhanced weapons from becoming a serious contender to the Gauss Cannon is a longer range Xeno Scanner. Even if the scan was set to take 15 seconds to complete, and the range was buffed to 1km, it would still be a hell of a lot easier to stay within 1000 km for 15 seconds than 500 m for 10. These weapons need no other exertion help. Three large and one medium gimbal will serve you well.

But…they'll serve you even better when we get a new scanner. I urge all Commanders to haul commodities like they've never hauled before as soon as a community goal to create such a module is announced. Galnet has hinted at a new, duo-superpower-funded iteration of Aegis, with Allied and Federal forces as the partners. This could be the opportunity I've been waiting for: to finally show that the "suboptimal" traditional AX weapons have more worth than most people, and certainly the AXI, give them. Gauss Cannons are excellent weapons, don't get me wrong. I've used nothing but a triple Gauss Cannon setup on my Krait for over a year and a half. Until now…

Every dog has his day, and Gauss' days are running out.


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