Categories: DiscussionDota 2

About the crowd

I have a couple of things to say from a local's perspective (not meant to excuse TOs for the other issues, they deserve the shit) but to help people understand crowds in SA competitions (and also discuss differing opinions):

-Up until I started reading chat/reddit I didn't even know ppl were accusing the crowd of "signaling incoming plays", since heavy whistling towards the away team has always been used in sports over here to put pressure on the visitor so they'd be prone to fucking up or at least feel a bit more nervous.

-If anything, the supposed "cheating" would be accidental imo, because with the intention to put pressure on the other team or wanting to cheer for their fave, they don't really consider what could result of that, since the thing they're thinking about is "Let's make em nervous so their play doesn't go well", and forget about the "this is an information game" part (We do tunnelvision hard).

-Hard doubt about EG even being able to listen to these supposed "signals" since they have been victim to smokes just as much as any other team, but ppl only seem to "notice the cheating" whenever they're able to escape/read them, instead of, y'know, appreciating good map play or awareness.

-No team yet has complained about being able to hear anything, and everyone knows that if it was an issue they'd communicate it immediately and everyone would know about it, just like it happened at TI.

I don't claim to be 100% right, and I understand how it might look for ppl who have never experienced this, but to me everything made perfect sense, and the community complaints sound more like ppl either not being familiar with the setting or just looking for things to get angry about, but that's my opinion. I'm rambling a bit but let me know if what I said makes sense.

TL;DR I don't think crowd are cheaters, they're most likely just dumb (and it would still be TOs fault if they could actually hear cuz bad booths)


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