AI Scav Aim is Broken and Should be Reworked.

This may be a bit ranty, but I really have to blow off some steam and I also have some questions which some of you might be able to answer.

Why can AI scavs shoot just as accurately while strafing sideways? They can donk you with multiple chest hits at around 30 meters while strafing sideways! Why is this a thing? Just make the scavs sit still when trying to shoot accurately like every player has to. It is only logical the same rules apply for players and AI, especially with your planned changes to make AI behave more similarly to players like looting guns etc.

Sometimes you get shot at a few times and the AI doesn't hit anything, and another time you get insta-dinked in the face or multiple hits to the chest in very quick succession that kill you. In a raid on factory two days ago I hit an AI scav pretty hard with my Saiga-12, so he did some weird spin-around in a 180 degree loop and then zoomed off with near lightspeed. I followed him, caught him sprinting around a corner; then he popped back around the corner within a split second and onetapped me in the face.

I just find it annoying that AI is so inconsistent and it is immensely frustrating to get dinked "out of nowhere" by some hobo scav. This inconsistency and randomness is just a detrement to the game. I don't say make scavs present themselves as harmless targets, but certainly make them more predictable!

— For any "gitud this is how the game was meant to be"-smartasses —

The game was not "meant" to be frustrating – only a complete idiot would design a game that is purposefully frustrating! Every video game is supposed to be FUN, and that ain't different for hardcore niche games like Tarkov. Sure, punishing players for making mistakes is part of the hardcore appeal and the brutal combat makes it very rewarding to win fights against other players – but that implies there are certain rules to abide by! And having completely random either retarded or borderline-aimbotting AI scavs violates that concept.


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