Apologies if this has been asked a lot, but I didn't find a post to help with this specifically. So, I recently started playing the game. Now I have played many such games back from the starlancer/wing commander days and I have always played with pitch-yaw on the same stick (either controller or flight stick). I can always stay on target and dogfight just fine. I saw that the default of this game is pitch roll on the same stick for controller (roll on the x axis and yaw on twisting for flight stick), but for the love of me I cannot shoot like this. My way I can aim fine and intuitively (like a shooter a bit), but the other way feels very hard. I can stay on target ok, but if he decides to turn even a little I can't just yaw left or right to target him again, I have to stop, roll again and then pitch again just to readjust my target (by which point he has turned slightly again and I have to readjust again). It is very frustrating at times. it is just a pet peeve, but I have to ask, how do you manage it ? Do I do something wrong or am I just a noob ? Thanks and have a nice day commanders.

EDIT: appreciate the tips, I think of getting a hotas 4 for the ps4. I'll try remapping them. I just had a lot of people claiming the default is the true and realistic way, but it just seems awkward to me, like driving some stumped old tank in space lol.


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