This is all sourced from my own personally made trello board
Tiny Instrument Of Death can cause massive FPS drops when fired.
Players are able to unlock higher evolution levels by playing ventures
Anti-Air traps deals less damage to husks flung by a flinger in high end of twine peaks and ventures.
Materials disappear when fully destroying a llama fragment while placing a cone on it.
R.O.S.I.E gets destroyed if the tile placed on it gets upgraded
Melee heavy attack doesn't deal damage sometimes
Storm king's horns doesn't glow if he is downed, but still able to deal damage to it. Happens on performance mode.
Gia no longer heals tamed wildlife if added in hero support slot
Charge fragment devices are still preventing building on them.
Not being able to craft them sucks. Especially when everyone I talk to about it…
First I'd like to say I absolutely love this game it's quality. Basically I first…
Welcome to Teacher Tuesday, a thread where anyone can ask any type of question without…
I’m kind of new/returning to gwent I played beta and obviously it’s a lot lot…
Level 1 Bag (Free with Atmosphere Level 2) 6 small consumable (First Aid, Repair, Fire…