another dumb carrier suggestion

a few weeks ago I posted about how it would be nice to have some sort of exploration "service" available on the carrier allowing it to honk and FSS…

following this, wouldn't you folks think it would be cool if you could install another "service" that automatically harvested tritium when available? allow me to elaborate.

something like chungus mining/collector limpets for the carrier….there would be some prerequisites and limitations of course…

first of all this "service" would only work once a potential ring has been scanned (obviously) with a tritium hotspot and only once the carrier is parked in the corresponding body..

secondly it would be slow (like anything carrier related) say 1 ton every 3 mins?

lastly the collected tritium would not end up in storage but would exclusively fill the "current fuel capacity" Tank….. I mean ships are allowed to use fuel scoops after all shouldn't there be something similar for the carriers?

these two services would make the carrier the ULTINMATE home away from home/exploration vessel. again in my mind this doesn't hinder the mechanics of the other exploration methods as smaller more nimble ships could still be used to map the planets in the carriers system and jump to nearby systems to explore there (why would I wait 15 mins for a 1-60ly jump when I can go there in one jump with my krait)

anyway "delusional thoughts from fantasy island" but what do you all think?

Edit: being a service with regular maintenance costs the “limpets” would not need to be resupplied the traditional way but rather they would “recharge” ( be rebuilt by the module itself) similarly to how surface scanner probes work.


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