Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Avoiding toxic teammates?

I'm sure this is a shot in the dark, but is there a way of avoiding extremely toxic teammates in Dota2?

In my last few matches (only around Archon 1 level) I've had:

a) A teammate denied our Aegis & Shard because someone said he wasn't playing good. He went on to farm for 10 minutes until the next guy got upset and started making patterns with our wards, collecting all our T4 neutrals while we tried to win the match, etc

b) Our Wraith King refuse to play with the team because someone asked him to start joining team fights at which point he did nothing but push lanes for 11K hero damage in 46 minutes.

c) Our Weaver player go directly for a Divine Rapier as his second item. Lost it in the first fight and that was pretty much the game over.

I've remaining as positive as possible in these matches and tried to keep things cool. No dice.

My previous 200+ games at Guardian/Crusader were perfect. Only I started to hit the (average) Archon rank matches then it's just turned to shit. Any suggestions? 🙁


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