Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Battle Pass Exclusive Arcana’s Part 2

Hello, It's me again.

So, I thought about some new ways that the battle pass Arcana's could be available again.

They could bring them into something similar to Candy works after 1-2 of the Battle pass. And still give people who bought the Battle pass a 3rd variation.

Or make them purchasable from Dota 2, but unmarketable, still after 1-2 years, and give 3rd variation to those who had bought the Battle Pass.

This could also work for Persona's.

To the people who think this would make older players mad and disappointed, or people wouldn't buy the Battle passes then. You can get Violent Precipitate from the Candy Works even though it was linked to the international 2018 Battle pass. Not only that, you can get Invoker's Persona by buying the Heir of Menace Set, even though Invoker's Persona was Linked to 2 Battle passes.

And again, these are just my thoughts.


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