because there is confusion about the FSD not being “realistic”

hi! just an informative post.

the FSD is highly based off of the concept of an alcubierre drive – commonly thought, in uap communities, to be why many people report instantaneous deceleration/acceleration.

here’s how it works, in an ELI5 – not a physicist.

The Alcubierre/FSD contracts space itself in front of the ship, and expands space behind the ship. you could think of this in the sense that if there is 2 steps in front of you, those 2 steps get moved behind you.

you are not being “pushed” and exerted to forces in any direction. in a relative manner of thinking, locally, space itself is moving around you instead of you moving through it. this is why you could immediately slam from sitting completely still to 10c and you wouldn’t feel anything, as a matter of fact – you’re standing still and space is being treadmilled around you.

anyway, just figured i would post this as a few days ago it seemed some people were less informed on alcubierre drives. have a nice day!


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