Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Bots in pub games

Played 2 All pick games yesterday and 1 today. Each time there was 1 useless player on a carry that ruined the game. It was Sniper 2 times and once Drow Ranger. They seemed to be farming all the game and almost didn't participate in fights and still had almost no items. And when they did fight they played very primitively. It was the same pattern each game. Standing on their line, then farming in forest, then running in random directions, placing useless wards (not obviously useless like near fountain or several wards near each other). Sniper automatically used his ulti each time he saw an enemy. Each time they bought the same items – 2x Wraith Bands, PT, Dranon Lens, then Hurricane Pike, then BKB. They didn't say or write a single word through the game and didn't respond to teammates. 2 of 3 times their accounts weren't new, and had Crusader medals, so it's impossible that these were just noob players, even players with Guardian medal play much better. And they all behaved almost the same. So obviously they were bots. Had someone encountered this lately?


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