BSG’s changes have a strong bias against standard accounts

Let the downvotes come in, I just wanna inform people that are still on that copium to realize that what BSG is trying to do first and foremost is to make money.

I have nothing against that since that's obviously required from a company to keep on keeping. However I do have a strong opinion on where that money should come from. And currently that seems to be mostly from people upgrading to eod.

Remember when tarkov first came out and eod was actually more of a way of supporting and appreciating the devs? Well currently it's becoming more and more clear that a standard account is no longer the supported version and eod is the proper way of playing the game.

There's always been a power difference between standard and eod but by every update that difference is growing bigger and bigger. The fact of the matter is that an eod account on average is going to be rocking better/more meds, weapons, armor, ammo which in turn allows them to on average win more fights. If you can't agree with that then you need to educate yourself on basic math and game theory.

For the longest time I haven't minded about that difference. For me the standard is the only proper way of playing the game and skipping stages of the game just to have an easier time feels cheap to me. However recently the difference has taken a shit on standard players in ways that make the experience more and more tedious.

Had it been only just a couple updates I could've seen that there's no hidden plan behind all this but since there's been multiple and given BSG's past it's becoming clear that there's a bias. Here's a few that I can remember:

-Secure containers can't be sold anymore to the fence to prevent lower tier accounts from sniping better containers they didn't pay for.

-Secure containers can't be sold on flea anymore for the same reason.

-After that they even prevented drop trading secure containers through raids which was the last way of achieving a higher tier container apart from grinding quests.

-Marked rooms have been nerfed significantly, especially on what containers and boxes you could get. Many of them removed entirely from the loot table. You used to be able to get pretty much any item in the game which gave standard accounts a reasonable grind of accessing more stash space.

-Bag stacking has been nerfed a lot which also I believe no longer allows for 'infinite' space (yeah maybe it was dumb but a crutch and a pain in the ass to manage)

-Flea access increased to level 20. While I personally don't mind this change much since I like a slowed progression, it does however increase the power of eod quite a lot. Them having much more stash space and free boxes to put barter items in, their progression isn't slowed the same way a standard account is.

-Level 20 experience increased by a significant amount. Further pushing flea access farther.

-Jaeger quest reputation rewards halved. Eod players get free reputation from the get go and even they're struggling with jaeger reputation. This is extremely tedious for standard accounts.

-I also remember first stash upgrade used to be just plain cash but now it also requires quite a lot of components that you're probably not going to have until flea and at that point it's already too late.


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