Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Can we talk about the state Dota has came to? Power creep has reached another level and i just realized that today

So i've been playing dota for over 13 years, since dota 1 days when clock and wind were first released into the game. I got into Dota 2 beta in october 2011 so i also followed every single patch and hero released into the game. I also been part of this subreddit since the very early days. I've seen some shit.

That aside, i seen a lot of discussion here about power creep and how all the heroes are now super strong and i must agree. Last patch's nerfs to MS, mobility in general and Cast ranges was really needed, things were starting to get out of control. But i still think more nerfs are still needed, some things simply shouldnt exist in the game. I always praise dota to be that game that everything can be played or itemized around. Anything imba? think hard enough and you can deal with it.

What happened me today made me realize some stuff just isn't like that anymore. I got perma disabled by a Shadow Shaman lv 20 with boots, force staff and aether. That's it: hex, shackles, hex, shackles. I had bkb, manta and Satanic. Couldnt get it off because not even a split second downtime. No neutral item(pupils gift) helping, no octarine core, no imba shard.Just regular talents. Test it in demo, it's possible. Im here so we can talk about this stuff that's just too strong and shouldn't be in the game we all love. Any more nasty stuff you think needs nerfing? Please leave your comments below.

thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

PS: No im not salty, i won the game even it just felt wrong


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