Categories: DiscussionGwent

Card copying

I think I have no less than 2 000 hours in Gwent. Recently I took a small break from a game, but for couple years I was somewhat active, playing from rank 3 to 0 and more each month.

I always considered Gwent a great game until now. It's not the first time and it's far from it, when I noticed how card duping in match becoming a problem. And after several days in game I must say I never felt such disgust because of it. Especially loved NR. But it's not a complaint about faction but regarding game design. Each card drop there are new ways to replay same card over and over again plus it's always rewarding because whole meta built around this.

On top of that there are way too many builds and situations when it's "answer or lose" , 2-0 or lose and win R1 at all costs or lose.

I don't think we're in situation where to wait month or two is gonna solve anything. Previously I was always looking forward to the new card drops, but now I just expect more copying ways and boosting existing methods, which is just sad frustrating.

If people love the game exactly because of these features – knock yourself out, but I really hope we will see at least some changes this destructive, in my humble opinion ofc, mechanic.


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