Hey everyone, this is my first post on this sub and it was sparked by the post earlier today talking about the Epsilon container. I'm level 40 and have all the rep I need for max traders (just gotta get 2 levels for ragman), and since I know that Kappa is not an option for me (due to time restraints, and the fact that I don't want to grind some of the harder quests) I'm having a hard time staying interested in the game. My question is do you think it would be worth it for BSG to add some easier more "casual" quests for people like me and assuming most of you all? I love grinding those "kill scavs with blah blah blah on [insert map here]" it just stinks that one you get to my point all those quests kinda go away and your left with things like SBIH that for someone like me doesn't have any interest in completing. Would love to hear what you all think and happy (head, eyes) to everyone!


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