“Chad” and “rat”

These 2 terms have been completely ruined and have become quite cringe when people use them tbh. They started when general Sam made a video where chads were people who rush pvp and rats just scurried around looting

Now chad means anybody with gear even if they're crouching around grabbing fights.

I see terms like "giga chad" and "mega chad" being thrown around and I get that I sound like a nerd rn but it's genuinely so cringe seeing posts that use 8 variations of the word chad when it's referring to any amount of gear over a stock sks and a paca.

The term has been completely stripped of its original meaning, you can have someone who doesn't move for 20 minutes but has a slick and they'll still be referred to as a "chad". I just don't get it man

"Chad" used to be used to describe a good player, now it's anybody who spends more than 30k on their kit.


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