Considering getting odyssey.

So I'm considering getting odyssey in the next steam sale. I've been playing horizons for a while and want to get odyssey, but I would like to ask some questions before buying it.

  1. How much content is added in odyssey? I know you can walk around on foot and do FPS missions but how much does it add to the game?

  2. How repetitive is it? Like how many things are there to do and will it get boring quickly or will I be able to play for a while before getting bored?

  3. How does it run on lower end computers? I have a mid to low end computer and while horizons runs fine will odyssey crash loads?

  4. Is playing with friends easy? Like can I just join a session with my friend or is it more complicated?

  5. How do you find it? Is it enjoyable and do you think its worth the money?


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