Categories: DiscussionFortnite

could epic actually be… PLANNING SOMETHING?

This epic update train and them possibly actually caring about us have been absolutely spectacular and has given me a whole warehouse worth of hope for the future, but they all seem like staging grounds for something bigger. Wild life, mobility buffs, and plenty of bug fixes are awesome but I thought to myself, "can we really cram all that into usually 50 x 50 tile spaces?" Why so fast in such a small area and with animals no matter where you look? And why has epic been giving us so much attention recently?" Then I had a thought. I have a suspicion that epic might be planning bigger maps for missions! Animals would be more spread out/balanced and the mobility update would not only be a great convince but make sense for big areas! I don't know if I just predicted the future, sound like a complete idiot, or just letting pure joy and hope take over whatever spews out of my mouth but please tell me what you think. Would this be a good change or would it be detrimental?

TL:DR wildlife, mobility updates, epic possibly reviving the game, and other bug fixes might be staging ground for bigger maps


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