CQC provides non-jousting PVP. I think we need that in the main game too

flight mechanics are top notch on this game, but underused if we fight in 100% empty space

Edit: someone asked a good question: what is the proposal?

My take: imagine the standard conflict zone as we have today with the standard battle ship dropped in the instance. Now add a gameplay incentive to fight close to it and a penalty if you fly away from it e.g. shield regen when close, shield drain when far. Now add a penalty if your vector change rate is low (in essence measure your evasiveness) e.g. low vector changes for 3 seconds allows battleship rails to focus on you and you get a big blast

What you have in this new addition is pilots flying close to the battleship right in the heat of the battle while trying to be as evasive as possible. Having a point of reference (battleship) will magnify the feeling of speed and also allow the excellent flying model pay off in gaming satisfaction

Most games with pvp elements create points of congestion to focus the battle and players interaction. I think ED needs something like this


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