I'm going to be straight with you guys, I love this game and I think it's addictive af but I have a big issue with its design. It's obtuse, needlessly punishing, and it's weird to see so many people defend it. I'm not talking about laser beams or meta guns or campers, I'm talking about how ammo stats are important to gameplay but they're hidden from you. Extracts aren't marked anywhere. Bosses have bullshit cheat skills to instantly reload, noscope you from 1km away, and don't deplete stamina. Lighthouse is currently extremely unfair as you have to perfectly snipe the Goons through a slightly ajar door half a map away and if you fail even once or repeek, you're dead.

This is a fun game, but let's be real. Nikita doesn't want us using the wiki or having a second map up on our monitors. Do you use the wiki? I certainly do, but it got me thinking today – if everyone is using it to figure out builds and quest locations and everything, then what's the point? You don't "figure it out" by yourself, it's not "totally hardcore bro". You just google it and there you have it, just go do the thing.

My point is, why is the wiki necessary? Why have this tacticool hardcore aspect and insist on "fuck you figure it out" if nobody is really doing that? Maybe as timmies we bumbled around cluelessly but I sincerely doubt everyone here figured everything out simply by playing the game. The devs should recognize that it's a contradiction, you can't really expect that from anyone. Tarkov is hardcore, but this whole lack of information isn't. It's just an annoyance you can google away, so why even have it?


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