New player here. Haven’t really gone out very far, but I want to focus on exploration. Just got a Cobra so I’m on the cusp of traveling greater distances. I’ve been learning about how the game works and how to use exploration equipment, but I’m not really sure which direction to take the game. I’m still looking for a home base, and I came up with an idea. Care to share your thoughts?

I think I’d like to look for someone who runs a DSSA carrier to work for temporarily. To be able to spend an extended time away from the bubble and learn self-sufficient skills like mining and transporting cargo. Almost like an internship; I think I’d eventually like to own a carrier of my own someday, and knowing how they work can’t hurt either. I’d also like to get involved in the community sooner rather than later, and hopefully be able to learn about the game from experienced players directly rather than just youtube, you know?

Is that a bad idea? I think to alleviate some of the grind for these players, they’d be happy to take someone on to help them. Or maybe not DSSA in particular, but any carrier? This might be a stupid idea, but sounds to me like a good career-builder in practice.


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