I’ve started thinking since the leaks about the 3 new modes coming out, but there is no reason why epic couldn’t pick save the world back up, I understand that it originally the idea was that since save the world didn’t make the kind of money that battle royale made, they decided to slow production. But with these new modes coming out, yes they will be very popular when they release, maybe more popular then the br mode temporarily, but after a few months, wouldn’t be just be in the lead again.
If save the world was givin the proper treatment it very well could be at the same level as what those other modes will inevitably be at, so it makes no sense as to why Fortnite wouldn’t pick it up. Along with that, save the world could be more profitable then the Lego mode, from my understanding there seems to be no micro transactions for the Lego mode, that could change when it comes out, but with that in mind wouldn’t save the world have the chance to be a game that epic could profit off of if they actually did something with the game?
Sorry if I’m spewing shit out my ass, with the leaks of the new modes and the state of the snowy biome it has really made me think twice about playing a game made by epic ever again
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